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Free Website Analysis

Big Data Analysis

Big Data Analysis has revolutionized various industries, providing valuable insights and driving innovation across diverse sectors.

Best Keyword Ranking

Keyword ranking is dynamic and can change frequently due to the constant updates to algorithms, changes in user behavior, and the competitive nature.

Speed Optimization

Regular monitoring and testing of website speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights are essential to identify areas that need improvement.

SEO Mobile Specialty

Websites that prioritize mobile optimization are more likely to attract and retain mobile users, improve search engine rankings.

Better Conversion

Remember that conversion-focused SEO complements traditional SEO efforts by driving not just traffic but also meaningful actions from visitors.

Social Network Monitoring

Social network monitoring tools vary in complexity, and some may offer additional features like data visualization, sentiment analysis, and customizable reports.

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    Our Story

    When we saw a need in the small business community for affordable web design and marketing services, we created Shield Marketing. We provide effective and attractive website solutions that are designed to make any organization stand out from the crowd. We took a lot of time and experience to develop effective processes that would allow us to create a customized website solution that would meet the needs of our clients. One of the most important factors that we considered when it comes to developing effective processes was the need for clarity. During our discussions with various business owners about search marketing, we often encountered companies that did not know what they were getting when it came to their money. We aim to provide our clients with the best possible service and show them how we can help them achieve their goals. We believe that businesses can achieve great things by becoming true partners.
    Optimized Websites
    Years Of Services

    Our Strategy

    One of the most important factors that you should consider when it comes to developing an effective SEO strategy is ensuring that it aligns with the search engine guidelines. We will help you create a strategy that is both beneficial and functional, and we will implement white hat techniques to achieve your goals.

    Through our Florida SEO consultants, you can get the most out of your website by monitoring and improving its performance. This includes analyzing and improving its content and web traffic.

    Our specialists have the necessary skills and knowledge to help you improve your website’s organic search engine ranking. We can also help you establish and implement effective strategies to increase your website’s traffic.

    There are many different strategies that can be used to improve your SEO in South Florida, but one of the most important factors that you should consider is the number of keywords that will drive the most traffic to your website. We will analyze the most relevant keywords and how they can be distributed through your site’s meta data and content.

    In addition to optimizing your website, you also need to take into account other factors such as the position of your keywords in the search results and how they can be used to improve the traffic of your site. Our South Florida SEO company can provide you with detailed reports that show you how your keywords are performing and where changes need to be made.

    Our SEO & SEM Services Include

    At Shield Marketing, our team of professional online marketers is dedicated to providing you with the best possible online marketing services. We will manage all aspects of your SEO campaign, and you will be able to access our client portal to keep track of the progress of your efforts. We will also ensure that every step is taken to improve the ranking of your website.

    Keyword Research


    Every campaign we create, we thoroughly research your business’s keywords to find the most relevant ones that will help boost your website’s traffic and convert potential customers into buyers. We use various software tools to find the most effective combination of keywords. We also monitor the movement of these keywords in search results.

    On-Site SEO Processes


    Since On-Site SEO is crucial to a site’s ranking, many providers bypass this process. It involves making sure that your site’s various elements reflect your keywords properly. These changes are carried out behind the scenes and won’t affect your website’s current state. Some of the changes that are made include: optimizing the meta information, title tags, and HTML code.

    Off-Site Processes


    Unlike other SEO firms, we do not perform the same type of work. As part of off-site SEO, we build quality links to your website from other third-party websites. These are considered to be very important and can help boost your rankings. We take the time to analyze and build links that are relevant to your niche and website. This step helps our campaigns run more smoothly and allows you to rank faster.

    What We Offer

    It can take a long time to see a significant boost in your rankings due to the nature of SEO, and it’s important to remember that it’s a process that can be very long-term. One of the most important factors that you should consider is consistency and patience.

    Increase Visibility

    On Google, the #1 position gets double the traffic and visibility as the #2 position. You deserve to be there.

    We're A Great Partner

    We are focused on making sure that you and your business are successful. Our team members are dedicated to achieving this.

    Proprietary Processes

    For over two decades, we’ve been working with industry leaders. Through our proprietary processes, we’ve been able to develop a deep understanding of how to improve the efficiency of your business.

    What Our Customer Say?

    • I am very impressed by your SEO services at Shield Marketing. I know exactly what is being done, which is unlike what I saw from other SEO firms.

      Stephanie McCormick
    • Through our partnership with Shield Marketing, we have been able to see the results that we have been looking for. They are very professional and we will continue working with them.

      Tom Rosenberg